Welcome to our new website!

Welcome to our new web site!

It may have escaped your notice, but our previous site stopped working a while ago and we have had to resort to starting again from scratch... it’s a long story.

Hopefully there is something here for everybody interested in bees and beekeeping in the Stowmarket area. Prospective members can find out about who we are and what we can do to help you start your beekeeping addiction journey as well as an application form for membership. Details of the annual training courses will be displayed with useful resources for the students. 

Here too you will find all the news and schedules of upcoming events as well as reports of past ones. Send in your text and photos so we can all see what happened. For those who take an interest, you can find details of your committee and the agendas and minutes of their meetings as well as the AGM.

If there is something you would like to see added or changed just get in touch with our webmaster.

We have lots planned for this year so why not get involved or volunteer to help out with training, at events or selling Stowmarket honey at farmers’ markets? Meanwhile I hope this season brings you success with your bees.

Greg Monaghan

April 2023

Stowmarket and District Beekeeper’s Association honey on sale at Wyken Farmers' Market


July 2023